Thursday 11 February 2010

Classic jaunt to Norway.....

Not so long ago, my brother and I were lucky enough to join 'ESCAPE' on her return voyage to Risor in Norway. Recently relaunched following an extensive re-build at the Lowestoft school of boatbuilding, this  15m Colin Archer is the ultimate cruising version of the legendary ketch-rigged lifeboat  from Norway's past

Rescued  from a mud birth on the Itchen and re-fitted to practically original specification, Escape has to be the most beautiful boat I've ever stepped onto, and I've been pretty lucky with boats on that front!
With a crew of two exeptional boatbuilders, a rescue helecopter pilot (owner) and myself as navigator, all novices, looked set to be a great adventure. Lowestoft-Risor, direct course.

With perfect southwest wind almost the whole way to the SW coast, the fist leg of the mission was incredibly serene. An hour from the Orwell and we could really sense what it would have been like a hundred years earlier.

Some fantastic home made pizzas, a visit from the king of Norway and some adventurous girls on a folkboat later.... We arrived in Risor.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! I didn't know you did all this stuff! More adventures please!

    By the way, you might like this blog:

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